All the good things about Spring seemed to arrive at once this year. Daylight savings time was brought out of exile as the warm weather sneaked, if for a moment, out of the southern hemisphere. The pears are beginning to blossom in the back yard. Winter's bitter varnish is yielding to more than the sun's golden bomardment; it's brittle shell crazes with the thundering of a thousand bicycle tires. Yes, the cyclists have taken to the roads.
Last week, I climbed astride the saddle for three rides and amassed about 65 miles. Previously, I rode this much in two to 3 weeks' time. I hope to increase my distance quite a bit over the next month.
I had a great conversation with the JDRF national coach a while back who provided some great advice. He encouraged me to ride about 500 miles of long, steady distance (LSD) over a two-month period. Then, he said I should vary my rides each week in this pattern: (1) Tuesday interval ride; (2) Thursday pace ride; (3) Saturday LSD ride. I should shoot for roughly this breakout on distances: Tuesday, 1/6 weekly mileage; Thursday, 1/3 weekly mileage; Saturday, 1/2 weekly mileage. By August 1, I will be on track if I can comfortably ride 75-80 miles.
Changing gears a little, my fundraising reached $3,000 last week. This was a major milestone for me, and it gives me reassurance that I can reach the required $4,200 even in these tough times. I continue to be humbled by my friends and colleagues who give selflessly for this great cause. No recession appears ready to stop you. Amazing. Thank you.