Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Nov 19, 2011 6:58:02 AM

Finished Cycle: Nov 19, 2011 3:09:55 PM
Route: El Tour de Tucson
Google Maps URL:
Shortened Google Maps URL:
Ride Time: 6:07:18
Stopped Time: 2:04:32
Distance: 111.66 miles
Average: 18.24 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 37.63 miles/h
Climb: 2211 feet
Calories: 5705

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cactus Patch

Today is our first full day in Tucson.  We have a warm up ride and several programs today.  Our group of ~150 cyclists had a great dinner under the stars last night, and each spent plenty of time catching up with the friends they met at previous rides but haven't had the chance to see in a year (or more!). 

Prior to that, I assembled my bike and took it out on a shake-down ride.  I couldn't figure out why I had a flat tire.  I had only ridden a couple of miles when it happened.  But, that didn't keep me from taking the photo above.  The catci around here are HUGE.  This morning, as I uploaded the pic, it occured to me that maybe that cactus had something to do with my flat.

Ever learning something.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Travel Day

Chicago waking up under clear, cold skies. One leg down. One to go.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bags are Packed!!

3 days to go.  Within hours, 150+ JDRF cyclists will begin the journey that takes them to the centerpiece of their season.  Thousands of miles and hundreds of hours in the saddle lead up to this: an airplane ride following a restless night.  Did I pack everything?  Is my alarm really set?  I have to get up how early (to catch that 6:10am flight)?

I tucked the boys in tonight and told them that I would leave for the Tucson race before they woke up in the morning.  Braeden turned to me and whispered, "Dad, I hope you win.  I hope."

This year we have raised $6,263.  Through all of our years participating in the Walks and the Rides to Cure Diabetes, we have raised over $33,000! 

Braeden, this is what winning feels like. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Rookie

4 days to go.  Little brother, are you ready?  I'm really stoked about being a part of your first Ride to Cure! 

Here's a picture of you when you were Braeden's age, just 5 years old.  Thank you for making this commitment with me!  You are an AWESOME uncle!

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Game Played for Others

5 days to go.  For you I dedicate the distance, my small sacrifice, the pain and the rewards.  My struggle is nothing but love.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why we Ride to Cure

The Tucson Ride to Cure is ALMOST here!  6 days to go.

Early in the season, JDRF asked their Facebook followers to answer the question, "why do we ride to cure?"  Here are some of my favorite responses with credit given:

Cause no three year old should have to get used to being a pin cushion…plus cycling is much cooler than running or walking. – James M. Grosser

While they count carbs – you count miles. – Jim Chapin

Because living with T1 for even one day is one day too long. – Mary Gollings

It will make your life bigger. – Tim St. Clair

Because how hard could it be if you’re sitting down all the way? – Matt McHale

Because it’s a mother’s wish to just make it all go away. – Shelley Schnell

Because we get to kick T1D in the Jimmies! – Tim Ryan

Hey there!