Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bags are Packed!!

3 days to go.  Within hours, 150+ JDRF cyclists will begin the journey that takes them to the centerpiece of their season.  Thousands of miles and hundreds of hours in the saddle lead up to this: an airplane ride following a restless night.  Did I pack everything?  Is my alarm really set?  I have to get up how early (to catch that 6:10am flight)?

I tucked the boys in tonight and told them that I would leave for the Tucson race before they woke up in the morning.  Braeden turned to me and whispered, "Dad, I hope you win.  I hope."

This year we have raised $6,263.  Through all of our years participating in the Walks and the Rides to Cure Diabetes, we have raised over $33,000! 

Braeden, this is what winning feels like. 

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